15th April 2019, Montreal Canada
held in conjunction with CPS-IoT Week 2019, 15th - 19th April 2019

Workshop Scope

Cyber-physical systems underpin many of the critical infrastructures that our society depends on. As a consequence, they have very high reliability and availability requirements. Recently, there have been a number of high-profile cyber-attacks to critical infrastructures, which include cyber-physical systems, that have resulted in major disruptions in the physical domain. These threats include a sophisticated cyber-attack component, whose aim is to manipulate the control behaviour of a target system.

To address these threats, a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary that draws on and integrates research findings from cyber security, resilient control, formal methods, human factors, and applied knowledge of the cyber-physical system under attack, for example. The aim of the workshop is to bring together leading researchers in disciplines that are related to ensuring the security and resilience of cyber-physical systems, to discuss hot topics and research directions that will lead to (reusable) solutions that are applicable to numerous forms of cyber-physical system.

Workshop Format

The workshop program will consist of invited presentations on hot topics in cyber-physical systems security and resilience. In addition, peer-reviewed papers will be presented and discussed. The aim is to provide opportunities for discussion and community building.


23-04-2019: Papers and slides are available for download on the agenda page!

07-03-19: Workshop programme is available inc. keynote talk!

Important Dates

Extended paper submission deadline: 8th February 2019

Notification of acceptance: 22nd February 2019

Workshop date: 15th April 2019

The CPS-SR 2019 workshop is supported by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency through the CERCES project and the ERA-Net Smart Grid Plus LarGo! project.